You get "MEMBER ONLY" access to hunt information. Use your personal dashboard to organize your favorite hunts, correspondence with outfitters, reviews, and ratings; we have it ready for you.
We make finding the hunt you want hassle-free. As a member, you get the inside scoop on new hunts, discounted hunts, and specials only available only to members.
We make everything transparent from the pricing, to the outfitter, and what actual hunters say about the hunt and outfitter. No surprises. No middleman.
Our members have their own dashboard where they can add as many Favorites to their dashboard for later review. This keeps the hunt packages that you are interested in top of mind. How easy is that?
Find a hunt you want. We connect you to the Outfitter by a simple click of a button. No waiting. No management fees. Our support team at Quality Hunts is always ready to help if needed.
Members have access 24/7. We are always adding new Outfitters and Hunt Packages. Be a part of the fastest growing community of hunters and outfitters in the world.
Travel the World!
We are aggregating hunts from around the world! Find your dream hunt in an unexpected location. Our outfitters are adding new hunts daily. Your dream hunt is out there, you just need to find it!
Ready for a new
Way to find a Quality Hunt?
Frequently Asked Questions
No. You work directly with the Outfitter with regards to price, terms, and conditions. Quality Hunts facilitates bringing the Hunter and the Outfitter together. The Outfitter pays Quality Hunts a nominal monthly fee to promote their hunt(s). In some cases, the Outfitter secures Quality Hunts to manage their hunt(s). In these cases, Quality Hunts appears as the Outfitter and we charge the Outfitter a management fee.
Our purpose at Quality Hunts is to bring awareness of "quality" hunts that are available to Hunters. We provide Outfitters with the tools in which to connect their hunt(s) to hunters. We ensure we promote "quality" hunts by holding the Outfitter to our standards of service and posting actual reviews of hunters for our member hunters to read.
Yes, if you are a member of Quality Hunts, which membership is free and you purchased your hunt through Quality Hunts. We do not accept reviews or ratings from unverified sources outside of Quality Hunts.
No. Anyone can view hunt packages on the Quality Hunts website. However, a "hunter" member gets special advantages.
A member gets additional information such as the Outfitters contact information, instant ability to request to reserve a hunt, the ability to favorite hunts, pricing specials, first notification of discounted or new hunts, membership dashboard, and more. It's free to join so it's easy to get these advantages.
As a member, you get these benefits:
- Outfitters contact information
- Instant ability to request to reserve a hunt
- Favorite hunts that you want to follow
- Hunt Pricing Specials available only to members
- First notification of discounted or new hunts
- A Membership Dashboard
- And more!
We are always adding new features along with a growing list of quality hunts and outfitters. It's free to join, so take advantage of these member benefits.
Yes. As a member, if you secure your hunt by going through Quality Hunts "Reserve This Hunt" we welcome your rating and review. We want to keep our hunter members informed of the actual experiences of other member hunters. We are transparent. We only want the best hunts and outfitters. If we believe an Outfitter is not providing a great hunting experience we will remove them. Our member hunters can help with their ratings and reviews.
No. There is no fee whatsoever to join as a Hunter member of Quality Hunts.